Cooking Comically "Recipes So Easy You'll Actually Make Them"

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 · 333 ratings  · 23 reviews
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Douglas Lord
Nov 19, 2013 rated it it was amazing
Does the world need another cookbook? No. But it needs *this* new cookbook from Capps, creator of online recipe comic 2AM Chili. Here dudes will find exactly what the subtitle promises—and then some. Readers are guided by a sassy, aggressive stick-figure dude with a great sense of humor who melts butter with a flamethrower, chops up veggies with a samurai sword, and says things like, "Mmmm. Smells like touchdowns." Difficulty-wise, the recipes range from "Reading this recipe is harder than makin Does the world need another cookbook? No. But it needs *this* new cookbook from Capps, creator of online recipe comic 2AM Chili. Here dudes will find exactly what the subtitle promises—and then some. Readers are guided by a sassy, aggressive stick-figure dude with a great sense of humor who melts butter with a flamethrower, chops up veggies with a samurai sword, and says things like, "Mmmm. Smells like touchdowns." Difficulty-wise, the recipes range from "Reading this recipe is harder than making it" (for jalapeno poppers) through "On par with shoe-tying" (for chicken soup) to "You're gonna see some serious shit" (for bread bowls). Nothing in the book is harder than chicken parm, so foodies beware—this isn't for you. All recipes feature about four pages of photographs of the product at various stages; e.g., for the Super Teriyaki Burger II readers see the assembled ingredients, toasted bun, and fried burger (difficulty rating: 'Pssssh'). Good, solid, basic appetizers, main courses, and desserts are here, and I guarantee that they will please a normal, unfussy crowd. My kids enjoyed the cornbread, the mac and cheese, and the Chicago-style deep dish pizza. There's a token vegan dish (pasta primavera), and six simple desserts which include Damn Dirty Ape Bread (like a Bundt cake). The only way this could be improved is with spiral binding so that it would lie flat more easily. VERDICT From this incredibly useful tome, magnificence will be created. Like Timothy B. Schnabel's The Gift Giving Handbook for the Inept Man: Thousands of Gift Giving Ideas to Make His Life Easier and Her Life Better (Shanem, 2003), I recommend that dudes buy this, hide it, then act like you know what you're doing. Soon enough you will. Find this review and others at Books for Dudes, the online reader's advisory column for men from Library Journal: see Copyright Library Journal. ...more
Cooking Comically is an interesting concept but I would not suggest the book.

Tyler Capps combines photography and comics to do a how to for non-cooks. The photographs are clear and the comics are interesting. However, the fonts can make the book hard to understand. The language in the book is what killed me from considering passing it on to someone who might appreciate the concept more.

Jun 15, 2017 rated it did not like it
Too many f-bombs made it impossible to share with my family. Too bad, because it was witty with great color illustrations. I'm not a prude, but I do recognize that there is a time when cursing gives emphasis to a message, and a time when it is just gratuitous. This was the latter. It at least seems to live up to its subtitle, with recipes proving to be easy even if not particularly inspiring; I have routinely made my own variations of most of these recipes. Too many f-bombs made it impossible to share with my family. Too bad, because it was witty with great color illustrations. I'm not a prude, but I do recognize that there is a time when cursing gives emphasis to a message, and a time when it is just gratuitous. This was the latter. It at least seems to live up to its subtitle, with recipes proving to be easy even if not particularly inspiring; I have routinely made my own variations of most of these recipes. ...more
Jul 16, 2017 rated it liked it
This is a great cookbook for the student, bachelor/bachelorette, cooking newbie, etc. The recipes are photographed each step of the way and laid out into comical, cheeky comic strips that make cooking these crazy-easy recipes infinitely more fun.
Jan 18, 2022 rated it it was amazing
Extreme Book Nerd Challenge 2022
Challenge Topic: Recommended by an IFPL Librarian. Beth Recommended.

I loved this. Simple easy recipies written in a no nonsense comical style with in your face comments. This may be one I have to buy so I can try a few of the recipes.

Laurie Eirual
Jun 29, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Most fun in kitchen! These recipes are really yummy! Hopefully there will be many volumes in the future. Thank you Tyler!!
Feb 04, 2021 rated it it was amazing
I loved how well explained the recipes are and how sometimes the author also jokes. Theres so many recipes that made me hungry and I really would love to try them out someday.
Christine Whittington
Cooking Comically is one of the few cookbooks I have read all the way through! I love it and am so glad I bought it for my library (and will soon buy it for myself because, messy cook that I am, I can't cook with my library's copy).

Tyler Capps is a graphic artist and author of the Cooking Comically website who may or may not resemble the stick figure chefs in his book. I want him to cook for me. His book is not aimed at the vegan, Palaeo, or gluten-free chef, but at those who love to eat! I wan

Cooking Comically is one of the few cookbooks I have read all the way through! I love it and am so glad I bought it for my library (and will soon buy it for myself because, messy cook that I am, I can't cook with my library's copy).

Tyler Capps is a graphic artist and author of the Cooking Comically website who may or may not resemble the stick figure chefs in his book. I want him to cook for me. His book is not aimed at the vegan, Palaeo, or gluten-free chef, but at those who love to eat! I want to make all 35 of his recipes, adjusting for my vegetarian proclivities. I confess that I have not made any of them yet, but will as soon as I buy my own copy of the book.

Capps explains each recipe graphically and artistically, including the groceries to be gathered, the difficulty level ("cook must be can-opener certified," "You are taking your life into your hands") the method, and the outcome, which is always drool-inspiring.

Despite the graphic-novel approach and innovate recipes and descriptions ("Damn Dirty Ape Bread" and "Well, that was messy as shit!"), Capp includes solid cooking wisdom, such as "overworked flour means tough pancakes" and "Boston butt isn't actually butt; it's the shoulder." And then there is the advice that "all food tastes better when chopped with a sword." Actually, it does.

Most recipes are fairly standard fare but I was so happy to see more challenging dishes, such as pulled pork, bread bowls ("like with yeast and everything; you're gonna see some serious shit"), and an emphasis on fresh ingredients (with an eye to economy).

An artistic and artistic gem, "Cooking Comically" includes shoutouts to Shredder, The Game of Thrones, Barry White, Miles Davis, and The Princess Bride. It has a muffin named for McGuffin and defines the term. It ponders philosophical questions such as "Have I ever told you the definition of insanity?" and makes jokes about cutting the cheese. The F word abounds.

Highly recommended for those with taste buds and a sense of humor.

Dec 30, 2015 rated it really liked it
Really entertaining and educational! The book has a fun cover with photos of food and a cartoon stick figure with pans and a chef's hat. It's broken up into 5 sections: Appetizers and Sides, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, Desserts and an index combined with metric conversions. Most sections have funny black and white comics which introduce each recipe. There are full color photographs that accompany each recipe with a difficulty scale and how many servings for each.

When describing the recipes, Ca

Really entertaining and educational! The book has a fun cover with photos of food and a cartoon stick figure with pans and a chef's hat. It's broken up into 5 sections: Appetizers and Sides, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, Desserts and an index combined with metric conversions. Most sections have funny black and white comics which introduce each recipe. There are full color photographs that accompany each recipe with a difficulty scale and how many servings for each.

When describing the recipes, Capps often uses swear words, which will definitely make teens giggle. He also gives a shopping list and notes for each section, which is very helpful. His sarcastic and snarky tone will resonate with teens, as will most of his pop culture references (i.e. Game of Thrones). I think this book would be good for visual learners who may not like reading written recipes. My only caution is that some recipes call for alcohol being used, but teens can either skip those or not use the alcohol when making them!

Nov 05, 2015 rated it really liked it
I love Cooking Comically. I checked this out from the library and I will have to get my own copy, because I want to make basically every single recipe it contains.

The only reason this didn't get a five star rating is a petty one: I can't make easy copies of the recipes to pass along and share, and...well, that's sort of the point of a cookbook isn't it? Easily passing along or saving delicious sounding things to eat with those I think might like them? I realize that it was printed this way to s

I love Cooking Comically. I checked this out from the library and I will have to get my own copy, because I want to make basically every single recipe it contains.

The only reason this didn't get a five star rating is a petty one: I can't make easy copies of the recipes to pass along and share, and...well, that's sort of the point of a cookbook isn't it? Easily passing along or saving delicious sounding things to eat with those I think might like them? I realize that it was printed this way to save the integrity of the comics and also to encourage people to buy the book, but a simple addition to the ingredients list at the back to include the instructions (albeit less amusingly)that could be copied would be greatly appreciated.

Jun 01, 2014 rated it really liked it
The recipes in Cooking Comically read like the ones I swap with friends (i.e. "chuck all this &*%! in a pan and bake it for twenty minutes") only with more pictures, pop culture references, and LOLs. As long as the reader possesses basic cooking skills he/she shouldn't have any trouble successfully turning out these dishes. The recipes are mostly for staples of American cuisine like mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, pulled pork, pancakes, etc. They call for ingredients which can be found at The recipes in Cooking Comically read like the ones I swap with friends (i.e. "chuck all this &*%! in a pan and bake it for twenty minutes") only with more pictures, pop culture references, and LOLs. As long as the reader possesses basic cooking skills he/she shouldn't have any trouble successfully turning out these dishes. The recipes are mostly for staples of American cuisine like mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, pulled pork, pancakes, etc. They call for ingredients which can be found at regular grocery stores. This would be a cool house/apartment-warming gift for the young adults in your life. (At least the ones who aren't averse to swearing.) ...more
Jan 02, 2014 rated it it was amazing
I came across Tyler's recipes via Reddit and while I didn't go for the original 2AM Chili I did go for the lasagna/bolognese sauce and LOVED it so I decided to pick up the cookbook. There's not a ton of recipes but what is here is easy to follow, hilarious and well worth the investment even though it's "just another cookbook." It's so far beyond that though and this is a great gift idea for the man who likes to cook (or the woman with a great sense of humor). I'll check back in when I've tested I came across Tyler's recipes via Reddit and while I didn't go for the original 2AM Chili I did go for the lasagna/bolognese sauce and LOVED it so I decided to pick up the cookbook. There's not a ton of recipes but what is here is easy to follow, hilarious and well worth the investment even though it's "just another cookbook." It's so far beyond that though and this is a great gift idea for the man who likes to cook (or the woman with a great sense of humor). I'll check back in when I've tested out more recipes but from the 2 I've tried, it's a hit. ...more
Oct 22, 2015 rated it really liked it
I was first introduced to this book by my friend CJ, who is a master at making "The Cheesecake for Champions" (more like the champion of cheesecakes - it's DELICIOUS!). This is a very entertaining guide to cooking. I like that it's male-centric, so guys would be more inclined to pick this up. I do think the author's "easy" ratings were off. There were things in here that seemed harder than he rated them as. However, some very easy and delicious recipes, with a side of humor! I was first introduced to this book by my friend CJ, who is a master at making "The Cheesecake for Champions" (more like the champion of cheesecakes - it's DELICIOUS!). This is a very entertaining guide to cooking. I like that it's male-centric, so guys would be more inclined to pick this up. I do think the author's "easy" ratings were off. There were things in here that seemed harder than he rated them as. However, some very easy and delicious recipes, with a side of humor! ...more
Oct 22, 2013 rated it really liked it
I'm pretty sure I'm can-opener certified, and with a recipe difficulty that is on par with shoe tying, this book is a winner.

I like that the pictures look like they are right in his kitchen without a single food wrangler in site.

I'm pretty sure I'm can-opener certified, and with a recipe difficulty that is on par with shoe tying, this book is a winner.

I like that the pictures look like they are right in his kitchen without a single food wrangler in site.

Mar 11, 2014 rated it it was amazing
Cooking is art...literally! Tyler Capps' style is so original, and being a fan of comics is a bonus. Capps goes through each recipe like an adventure, adding sound effects and even a few familiar faces. Every page made me smile. Don't know what or how to cook for yourself? Please start here. Cooking is art...literally! Tyler Capps' style is so original, and being a fan of comics is a bonus. Capps goes through each recipe like an adventure, adding sound effects and even a few familiar faces. Every page made me smile. Don't know what or how to cook for yourself? Please start here. ...more
Jul 04, 2014 rated it really liked it
This book is a lot of fun, the recipes are simple, I have tried a few and had good luck with all of them. There is one error in the original books, but it is easy to spot if you have ever baked before, and if not, they sent a little card telling you about the error.
Mar 21, 2014 rated it it was amazing

The recipes are pretty grease-heavy, but otherwise simple and useful.

Apr 29, 2014 rated it really liked it
A cookbook, a comic book........... What a combo!!!!!!!!!!!
Jul 30, 2015 rated it really liked it
A good book to give to a guy who is moving into his first apartment and has to learn to cook.
Charlie Easterson
Heck, I could just sit and read this, if only everything didn't look so delicious. Funny, engaging and informative. The perfect trifecta, plus food. Heck, I could just sit and read this, if only everything didn't look so delicious. Funny, engaging and informative. The perfect trifecta, plus food. ...more
Feb 18, 2014 rated it really liked it
Love the pictures combined with the comics and recipes.
Ann Keller
Apr 05, 2014 rated it really liked it
Very funny. I enjoyed the humor; could have done without some of the bad language, though.

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